White Liniment


White Liniment

from $7.00

This fantastic “Old Time” remedy is soothing and provides comfort to the body after a hard day’s work or a long hike in the woods. This multi-purpose product has many uses and benefits topically for the skin and deep-penetrating for the body.

Unfortunately, our limitations of not being a drug company restricts us from explaining all of the positive benefits of this sought-after product.

You are encouraged to research the benefits of the ingredients listed below.

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Some of the key ingredients are:

  • Menthol Crystals: We use the highest 100% pure and natural USP grade. Menthol Crystals are used in a wide variety of cosmetic applications and consumer products.

  • Pure Wintergreen Essential Oil: Botanical Name: Gaultheria Procumbens. Origin: India. The Leaves Extraction Method is Steam Distilled. The wintergreen essential oil has long been used in medicinal, aromatherapy and cosmetic products.

  • Pure Peppermint Essential Oil: Botanical Name: Mentha arvensis. Origin: Japan. The Herb Extraction Method is Steam Distilled. The history of using peppermint oil dates back to 1,000 B.C. in Egypt as well as Ancient Asia. Researcher have concluded that peppermint oil is one of the most natural and beneficial plants in the world. The peppermint oil has a cooling effect due to the menthol content in the peppermint oil.

  • Other ingredients include Camphor Gum when blended together provides a soothing, comforting and stimulating feeling with a fresh, minty aroma.

Application: White Liniment comes with an easy spray applicator.

  • No mess.

  • No waste.

  • No contamination.

Just spray it on and let the liniment penetrate the skin. It’s best to be applied after a hot shower or bath. Then cover with a warm blanket and feel the White Liniment go to work providing the comfort you are looking for.  Avoid spraying in the eyes or sensitive area.

This product is intended for External Use ONLY.

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Got my order today. Thanks for the prompt service. The White Liniment really helps. My husband... and my son use it as well. We are becoming a family of White Liniment users. We just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for finding your product.
— Mary B, Nashville, NC March 2017
After a long day at the lake... I applied the White Liniment... I now take this product on all of our family camping trips and outdoor adventures.
— Ms. Sarah E. Walters, Ohio
Dear Mr. Cox, Thank you for sending us this order. I put the White Liniment on as soon as I opened the box. It gave me immediate relief... My husband had me spray it on his back before he went to bed and it made him feel a lot better. We will be in touch.
— Dianne L, Blairsville, Pennsylvania May 2015
...when I began to use the “new” White Liniment...it finally provided (comfort) that I had been unable to experience before.
— Kim P - Author of 'Backyard Farming' books and host of "Sustainable Living in the Florida Keys"
I sent (client) the sample pack of the Union (black) Salve, Vapor Ointment and White Liniment and suggested she try the liniment - and to be careful not to touch her eyes! She called me a few days later and said she could not believe how helpful the liniment was... She didn’t want to call me right away because she wanted to to make sure she wasn’t imagining it! She asked me to send her a larger bottle right away so she would not be without it.
— Dr. Cathy, ND of New York March 2017
Hello David, That’s so nice of you to reach out to me. Thanks. Well let me just tell you that this is the best product we have found among all of the other that promise but not deliver. Basically the majority of this huge order is for my mom... your great product really helps... My husband and I used it as a night routine to feel the great sensation on the forehead to fall asleep (kind of crazy but we love it). We came across your product from (a store). But this time I looked at your label and google your info and was able to order online. I will definitely save your web for further orders. Thanks.
— Geannette V., Orlando FL February 2018
Thank you so much! I am truly happy to be able to get the liniment! It is so helpful for me... I am just so happy to be getting this. I am so amazed... And as an extra bonus, it has also been (soothing) on my hand too! I’ve tried everything... but only your White Liniment seems to help it! Thank you again, your products are truly a blessing!
— E Wilson, Bonner's Ferry, ID March 25, 2018